2019 Letter from the Board

Dear Friends and Sponsors of Chi Rho,


As another year draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the kindness, prayers and generosity of the many faithful friends who have supported the Chi Rho ministry. Once again, on our latest trip in October, we witnessed young lives being redeemed and transformed by God’s grace, our loving staff, and the generosity of Chi Rho’s supporters. Our beloved brother in Christ and former ministry partner, the late Adrian Olariu, would often say, “God is still working!” With these words we would frequently encourage each other during challenging moments. We rest on that belief because it is true. As we look back on this year’s accomplishments and those of the past 20 plus years of Chi Rho ministry, we must say it again: God has been and is still at work!


What is the proof of this saying for God’s work and His people? A recent sermon series at our church in Scottsdale, Arizona, focused on the book of Esther. When the lives of the Jews living in exile were threatened, Queen Esther and her relative Mordecai perceived the threat. They not only spoke up in the face of grave personal danger, but also acted upon God’s direction. The result was their enemies were vanquished and the threat to God’s people was turned away. God was still working even though His name is not mentioned once in the entire book of Esther.

We know firsthand we are experiencing that same love and protection. With your support and our Board’s efforts, we respond to God’s direction. We are pleased to tell you that the condition of the House, the staff, and the kids has never been better. This was our hope and prayer 28 years ago. We can testify that God is indeed still working, correcting, and directing us.


There are challenges, as we know there always will be. Romania continues to raise the minimum wage and as a result the staff payroll withholding taxes have increased dramatically. In order to compete with positions of equal pay and opportunity in the overall economy, we have needed to increase our staff salaries. This is something we wanted to do, as well, since it rewards our faithful caregivers and has increased our ability to recruit new staff. Many of our original “mamas” have now been with us for well over 20 years and need to retire for personal and health reasons.

Another challenge is the status of some of the “kids’” health. Complications from HIV, hepatitis, and TB treatment are prevalent and difficult. Yet the kids receive excellent care from Dr. Margaret Illie, who continually thanks us for the opportunity to treat the kids and always refuses our offer of a stipend. The staff and kids may never meet you, nor “see” firsthand the efforts and sacrifices put forth to sustain their lives, but surely they experience the strong love of our God still working through you.


Will the needs in Romania continue for another 20 years? We don’t know, but another saying our friend Adrian was fond of was, “God knows!” We have our challenges, but He is working through all of us. For your part in supporting Chi Rho by making unseen sacrifices, we say thank you! You are the Body of Christ, Jesus’ hands and feet and you are proof He is still working. All of us on the Chi Rho Board wish you a gracious measure of joy and comfort to be found in the Lord, who never tires of working with and for His people.

May you have a Merry Christmas and a blessing filled 2020.

Cynthia and Hud Staffield

For the Chi Rho Board: Moe Baniani, Dan Byrne, Gary Gillam, Gabe Gilliam, Brittany Staffield Gonzalez, Greg Jamison, Ken Olsen, Cynthia Staffield, Hud Staffield, Bob Tomlin