Gabe Gilliam has been involved with Chi-Ro since 2012 after becoming friends with Hud and Cindy as their pastor at Saratoga Federated Church. At Hud and Cindy’s invitation, Gabe took two trips to Romania to see this miraculous work and to cultivate a partnership with the people of Constanta. Through tears, laughter and incredible admiration, Gabe saw firsthand the necessity and beauty of this endeavor.

Professionally, Gabe started his career in pastoral ministry before moving on to a career in the “real world.” With that context in mind, Gabe used to be paid to be “good” and now he strives to be “good” for nothing. Gabe transitioned from vocational ministry to the non-profit arm of Cisco with their community relations team in San Jose. Most recently, Gabe has joined the family business as the Vice Chairman of NBC Bank in Oklahoma.

Gabe has been married to Casey since their college graduation and is the proud father to three wonderful kids. While he no longer gets paid to discuss his faith, he finds great faith in the work of Chi Ro. Gabe is passionate about any endeavor that seeks to take seriously the words of the Jewish a carpenter who called his followers to prioritize caring for the least among us. Chi Ro is making a radical difference in this world and Gabe is honored to serve on this board.